

High fish survival rate in all regions

Good fish health and low mortality are important in our farming. The annual mortality in Cermaq’s global operations spans from 4 % to 6%. Although the relevance can be discussed, for comparison 6 % is the same level as the annual mortality in Norwegian lamb production*.

Cermaq publishes quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics.

Fish survival for Atlantic salmon, measured as a rolling 12 months rate, has improved over the past year in all regions. In the quarter July/August/September 2017, the improvement in Norway has been from 94% to 96% survival, in Canada from 91% to 94% survival and in Chile from 92% to 94% survival compared with the same quarter last year.

At the same time the use of antibiotics in Chile and Canada has been significantly reduced for the fish harvested in this quarter compared to the same quarter last year. Cermaq Norway normally has no use of antibiotics, but used in the fall of 2015 antibiotics on one pen which was harvested this quarter.

Chile experienced one unfortunate escape incident where 207,000 fish escaped in a major storm. There were no escapes in Canada or Norway.

The OHS performance remains strong, with a global absence rate at 2 %, spanning from 1.7 % in Chile to 3.9 % in Norway.

Cermaq has published quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics in our operations since the beginning of 2016.

Press contacts

Lars Galtung

Lars Galtung

Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer


Lise Bergan

Lise Bergan

Head of Communication

+47 932 51 114

+47 23 68 50 30

Astrid Vik Aam

Astrid Vik Aam

Communications Manager

+47 924 90 676

+47 924 90 676

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