

GSI raising the bar: releases third annual sustainability report

As a member of the GSI, Cermaq is pleased to announce the publication of the GSI’s third annual Sustainability Report. The publication of the report underlines GSI’s continued commitment to improved industry transparency, and ongoing improvements in the members’ environmental performance. This year’s report – the third published by the GSI leadership group – features key sustainability data from all 12 member companies.

Global Salmon Initiative presents its sustainability report. The salmon industry is globally leading in transparency - a result of partnership with shared high ambitions.

Key highlights from the report include:

  • 4 years’ (2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016) worth of data across 14 key environmental and social indicators
  • This year’s report has been independently audited – raising the bar even higher on industry transparency
  • 25% of GSI farms are now ASC certified (114 GSI farms)
  • The continuing relative environmental advantage of farmed salmon over other protein sources
  • Responsible use of marine ingredients thanks to innovations in feed resources and improvements in feed conversion ratios
  • GSI members provide positive contributions to local communities – employing almost 20,000 people globally

As a member of the GSI we continue to focus on our key priority areas of improving disease management, sourcing sustainable feed, and continuing to aim for the highest industry standards. While we recognize that there is still work to be done, we are pleased with the progress we are making so far.

Through cooperation and best-practice sharing on environmental performance, we have confidence that, as an industry, and as an individual company, we can make progress in improving the sustainability of our operations much faster than if we worked individually.

For more information, please see the full media release:

Press contacts

Lars Galtung

Lars Galtung

Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer


Lise Bergan

Lise Bergan

Head of Communication

+47 932 51 114

+47 23 68 50 30

Astrid Vik Aam

Astrid Vik Aam

Communications Manager

+47 924 90 676

+47 924 90 676

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