About us
Cermaq’s policies, guidelines and code of conduct are key elements for corporate governance that enable us to operate efficiently and consistently, while maintaining the necessary oversight.

Corporate Governance
Cermaq Group AS is a fully owned by the Mitsubishi Corporation.
The Group’s corporate governance principles are based on the corporate governance principles of Mitsubishi Corporation, Norwegian legislation and recognised principles for good corporate governance.
The highest governance body in Cermaq, the General meeting, elects the shareholder elected directors and auditor and also approves the annual accounts and Board remuneration.
The Group’s corporate governance principles are described in more detail in the GRI section of Cermaq’s integrated annual and sustainability report.
Cermaq Fish Welfare Policy
Cermaq has implemented a fish welfare policy based on the framework and recommendations in the FishWell report. A more detailed description of fish helath in our operations can be found here. Cermaq reports performance on a broad set of fish health and welfare indicators in its sustainability report.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct describes our ethical norms and standards for corporate responsibility. The Code of Conduct builds on our values and corporate governance principles, and provide all our employees and other stakeholders a clear understanding of what we stand for and the way we do business.
Supplier code of conduct
Cermaq is committed to high standards for responsible business conduct. The Cermaq Supplier Code of Conduct has been established to strengthen the management of sustainability risks throughout the supply chain. This document describes the minimum requirements that all Cermaq’s suppliers are expected to uphold. Cermaq expects suppliers to require similar standards for their suppliers and subcontractors.
Cermaq is committed to Global Compact's 10 Principles related to Human Rights, Labor Standards, Environment and Anti-corruption. Cermaq encourages its suppliers to implement the 10 Principles in their organisations.
Code of Conduct – Feed Suppliers
Feed is not only a major cost but also represents the major part of the footprint of farming. The Supplier Code of Conduct - Feed Suppliers has been established to ensure that our high standards are maintained throughout the feed supply chain. The document covers responsible sourcing and sustainability with specifications for marine ingredients and soy, traceability, food safety and much more.
Cermaq wishes to sustain open communication about responsible and ethical conduct within its operations. We have developed guidelines for giving notice of breaches of the law, rules, ethical guidelines and other unacceptable circumstances. They apply to all companies within the group. Anyone wishing to give notice of unacceptable circumstances is encouraged to do so.
Whistle blowing can also be done anonymously, and/or by external parties, through an external link:
Report a concern