News from Cermaq
In our press room you find press releases, news and photos from Cermaq
iFarm: for the first time, swimming fish have been sorted in a net pen
BioSort and Cermaq have for the very first time tested a sorting mechanism that will sort the fish in a net pen to provide customized follow-up for the fish. Seeing the difference between fish is crucial for improving fish health and welfare in the net pens and will be a big step forward for increased survival in salmon farming.
Has Covid permanently lifted salmon demand?
The strong rise in home consumption of salmon was a response to the restrictions or close-down of restaurant and outdoor dining. Now as society opens up the retail sales remains high. Consumers seem to have embraced salmon as a convenient and healthy food for home preparation.
The first iFarm fish on the way to market
The results from the harvest show high quality of the iFarm fish, which confirms that the health and welfare of the fish has been good in the iFarm net pens. The very first iFarm fish was stocked in Martnesvika sea site in the autumn of 2020.
Cermaq Chile announces new Managing Director
With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, Pedro Courard, current Production Director of the company, becomes the new Managing Director of Cermaq Chile. He replaces Steven Rafferty who becomes the new CEO of Cermaq Group, based in Oslo, Norway, starting 1 March 2022.
Cermaq will not attend Seafood Expo North America in Boston in March
Cermaq regrets to announce that it has decided to not participate in the Seafood Expo North America in Boston in March due to the Covid situation.
Benchmark Animal Health and Cermaq receive funding from the Research Council of Norway for the development of Tenacibaculum vaccines for salmon
Mouth rot and tenacibaculosis represent a major issue for the health and welfare in farmed Atlantic salmon
The iFarm project aims to improve fish welfare with AI and machine learning – Now an entire sea site is equipped with iFarm setup for the first time
The iFarm project, which has been ongoing since January last year, is in its second phase. An entire sea site in Vesterålen, Norway is now equipped with an iFarm setup in all the net pens, after the fish was stocked there this autumn. In this phase, the project will do a real full-scale testing of the concept and technology. The goal is to increase fish health and welfare with artificial intelligence and machine learning.
SeaBOS speeds up action for sustainable seafood
SeaBOS advanced in concerted drive for changes in the global seafood sector when CEOs from ten of the largest seafood companies in the world and leading scientists from the Stockholm Resilience Centre, University of Lancaster, and Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions met earlier this month.
An aquaculture pioneer steps down in Cermaq
Mr. Geir Molvik hands over the baton as CEO of Cermaq Group as he wishes Cermaq well and seeks to prioritize his time differently going forward. New CEO from March 2022 will be Steven Rafferty, current MD of Cermaq Chile.